List © Eva Crane Trust

Apart from her authoritative and well-researched books, Eva Crane wrote many articles and texts for lectures. She kept a numbered list of all her publications, in chronological order, adding a letter for late additions, e.g. 004a, but the list does not include her many signed/unsigned editorials and short features in Bee World. She also filed a paper copy of each published article and unpublished typescript (many amended by hand). 

The list below, which is based on this collection, contains 375 entries. Many of these have been scanned and wherever possible they will be uploaded and accessible via this web site. The following (marked * in the list) were not scanned: non-beekeeping articles (pre-1945, labelled A-O); books; very long chapters in books; and a few articles missing from the collection. All pre-1989 publications are believed to be out of copyright, but we have attempted to contact publishers for permission to upload the scans available to view, whatever the date.

Please click here to read the terms to which the documents can be used. 

This page along with Eva Crane’s Papers is being regularly updated. 



A    (1937) Physical and emotional periodicity in women [with R.A. McCance & M.C. Luff, 1st and 2nd authors]. Journal of Hygiene 37: 571-611    

B    (1937/1938) Frequency distributions: the organization of experimental data. Parts I and II. School Science Review, No. 74: 161-168; No. 75: 336-345 (2 copies, one with corrections)

C    (1938) (i) The application of the absorption method to the determination of the upper limits of beta-ray spectra from induced radio-active elements; (ii) Interchange of Pb++ ions in solution with ions of a radio-active isotope of Pb in the solid phase [unpublished PhD thesis, Kings College London (external)] 3 copies

D    (1938) The application of the absorption method to the determination of the upper limits of continuous β-ray spectra [with F.C. Champion]. Proc. Physical Soc. 50: 185-195

E    (1939) Absorption method for determining the range of recoil atoms [with S. J. Gregg]. Nature 43: 760-761

F    (1939) Evaporation of built-up molecular films [with S. J. Gregg, 1st author]. Nature 144: 666-668 

G    (1939) A portable motor-driven apparatus for depositing built-up molecular films [with S. J. Gregg, 1st author]. Review of Scientific Instruments 10: 236-237

H    (1939) The relation between range and energy for the upper limits of B-ray spectra. Proceedings of the Physical Society 51: 19-25

I    (1939) Some practical applications of statistical methods. School Science Review No. 79: 377-388

J    (1939?) Identification of objects by radiation labelling [with F.G. Tryhorn, 1st author]. Police Journal: 45-52 [date and vol. no. not on reprint]

K    (1939?) Monomolecular layers. Discovery: 569-572 [date and vol. no. not on reprint]

L    (1940) Definitions and formulae for students (Modern physics). London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons; reprinted with corrections, 1943 [and probably also 1944 or 1945]

M    (1940-41) Series of articles: X-rays in the study of animal life; Biological light; The colours of animals. Animal and Zoo Magazine [typescripts only, but all were published]

N    (1941) Radioactive indicators. School Science Review  (88): 374-380 [typescript only]

O     (1943) Definitions and formulae for students (Modern physics). London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons; reprint, with corrections, of entry L [probably also reprinted 1944 or 1945]


001     (1945) Honey. Wine & Food (48): 217-222

001a (1945) Sealing on Colonsay [diary entries, typed]; edited version published in Eva Crane Bee Scientist 1912–2007. Cardiff: IBRA, pp. 23-30    

002    (1946) Mead. Wine & Food (49): 30-34 

003    (1948) Bee-keeping research in Yorkshire: how everyone can help. Yorks. Beekprs Ass. Yearbk: 2 pp.

003a    (1948) Relations between hydrochloric acid secretion and electrical phenomena in frog gastric mucosa [with R.E. Davies & N.M. Longmuir]. Biochemical Journal 43: 321-335 [reprint mislaid, except for pp. 329-330]

003b    (1948) Chemical energy relations in gastric mucosa [with R.E. Davies]. Biochemical Journal 43: 336 

003c    (1948) Opportunist cookery. Wine & Food [issue no.?]: 5 pp.

004    (1949) Water and the honeybee colony. Ilford, UK: Central Association of Bee-Keepers

004a    (1949) XIII International Beekeeping Congress, Amsterdam, August 22-27, 1949. Bee World 30(11): 85-88

005    (1950) The beekeeper and research. Scot. Beekpr 26(7): 137-138

005a   (1950) Bioelectric potentials, their maintenance and function. Chapter in Progress in biophysics and biophysical chemistry, eds J.A.V. Butler & J.T. Randall. London: Butterworths [only draft contents found, but known to have been published]

006    (1950) The Bee Research Association [faint typescript]

007    (1950) Research and the beekeeper [typescript: BRA; publications]

008    (1950) The effect of spring feeding on the development of honeybee colonies. Bee World 31(9): 65-72 

009*    (1951) Dictionary of beekeeping terms with allied scientific terms Vol. 1: English-French-German-Dutch with Latin index (ed.). London: BRA

009a*   (1951) Chemical and electrical energy relations for the stomach [with R.E. Davies]. Biochemical Journal 49: 169-175 [no copy found]

010    (1951) Wieviel Honig bringt ein Hektar? Imkerfreund 6(5): 150-151 [translation of next entry]

011    (1951) Honey yields per acre of land. Bee World 32(2): 12-14 

011a    (1951) XIV International Beekeeping Congress, Leamington, 3-8 September 1951. Bee World 32(11): 82-84

012    (1953) World list of bee research workers. London: BRA 

013    (1953) Summer management. Bee Craft 35(7): 98 

014    (1953) English bee boles [with R.M. Duruz, 1st author]. Bee World 34(11): 209-224 [England; skeps; traditional beekeeping]

015    (1953) Acarine disease. Bee World 34(12): 246-247

016    (1954) An American bee journey. Bee World 35(7): 125-137 [apiaries; Canada; honey; management; USA]

017    (1954) International collaboration: problems, possibilities and achievements. 7 pp. [typescript; final version published in: Proc. 15 Int. Apic. Congr., Copenhagen. beekeeping; BRA; publications; research] 

018    (1954) Bee research now organized. Times Agric. Rev.: 1 p.

019    (1954) XV International Beekeeping Congress, Copenhagen, 30th August - 4th September 1954. Bee World 35(11): 213-222

020    (1955) Articles by Eva Crane extracted from: Beekeeping research digest (London: BRA) [bee enemies;  breeding; diseases; feeding; forage; harvesting; honeybees; management; pollen; pollination; swarming]

021    (1955) World list of current beekeeping journals. London: Bee Research Association

022    (1956) XVI International Beekeeping Congress, Vienna, 12th-18th August 1956. Bee World 37(11): 209-215

023    (1957) Second American bee journey. Bee World 38: 227-235, 249-257, 277-284, 301-313 Part 1, Part 2 Part 3 i, Part 3ii, Part 3 iii [beekeeping; Canada; Cuba; forage; honey; Mexico; research; USA]

024*    (1958) Dictionary of beekeeping terms Vol. 2 English-Italian-Spanish (ed.). London: Bee Research Association

025    (1958) Supplementary world list of bee research workers. London: Bee Research Association

026    (1958) Bienenstocke je 100 ha Agrarwirtschaftsflache. Honig: Gesamtproduktion und Ertrag je Stock. Pp. 65-66 in "Agrarwirtschaftsatlas der Erde", ed. B. Skibbe, Gotha: Hermann Haack [Number of colonies per 100ha of agricultural land]

027    (1958) XVII International Beekeeping Congress, Bologna and Rome, 15th-23rd September 1958. Bee World 39(12): 305-317

028    (1959) Charles Darwin and bees [with A.D. Brian, 1st author]. Bee World 40(12): 297-303 

029    (1960) Beekeeping in the People's Republic of China. Bee World 41(1): 4-8 [bee forage; honeybee races; honey prices; honey yields; research]

030    (1960) A preview of the XVIII International Beekeeping Congress. Bee World 41(7): 186-188

031    (1961) The Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers. Bee World 42(3): 63-71 [beeswax]

032    (1961) Včelárstvo v Anglicku a Československu. Včelar 35(6): 125; also typed English version, ‘Beekeeping in England compared with Czechoslovakia’

033    (1961) Ústředi včelařského výzkumu. Včelařstvi 14(2): 26 [‘Headquarters of beekeeping research’]

034     (1961) Inauguration of the Bee Research Association International Appeal, 20 April 1961 – The Director’s speech. Bee World 42(5): 119-123

035    (1961) World list of current beekeeping journals. Bee World 42(8): 204-212

036    (1961) XVIII International Beekeeping Congress, Madrid, 25th-30th September, 1961. Bee World 42(11): 281-291

037    (1962?) Beekeeping in Britain [typescript of 2 versions of talk with ?slides (captions here but no photos) apiaries; colony numbers; honey production; migratory beekeeping].

038    (1963) The world's beekeeping - past and present. Chapter 1 (pp.1-18) in The hive and the honey bee, ed. R.A. Grout, Hamilton, IL: Dadant & Sons. Part iPart ii.  [Africa; America; Asia; Australasia; Europe; history; hives; honeybee races; honey yields; Melipona; trade]

039    (1963) Czechoslovakia and its beekeeping. Bee World 44(1): 30-32 

040    (1963) The Prince, the Inquisition and the bee book that was never published. Bee World 44(1): 43-44 [Accademia dei Lincei; Cesi; Pope; 17th century]

041     (1963) A beekeeping visit to the Soviet Union. Part 1  Part 2  Bee World 44(2): 48-76 [hives; honey yields; management; meeting; migratory beekeeping; statistics; USSR]

042    (1963) XIX International Beekeeping Congress, Prague, 12th-17th August, 1963; The Scientific Congress at Liblice 7th-11th August, 1963 [with O. Haragsim and L. Haragsimova]. Bee World 44(4): 135-145, 151-152, 162-168 

043*    (1964) Dictionary of beekeeping terms with allied scientific terms Vol. 3: English-French-German-Czech-Polish-Russian, with Latin index (ed.) (Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Lesne, in association with BRA) 

044    (1964) Import of package bees into Britain in 1963 [with T.N. Hillyard, 1st author]. Bee World 45(1): 14-18 

045    (1964) New dictionary of beekeeping terms. Bee World 45(2): 48-49

046    (1965) The economic status of bees in the tropics. PANS [Pest Articles and News Summaries, Section A] 11(3): 303-341 Part i,  Part ii, [bee forage; beeswax; hives; honeybee species; honey yields; pesticides; pollen; pollination; propolis; royal jelly; venom]

047    (1965) A preview of the XX International Beekeeping Congress. Bee World 46(1): 6-7

048    (1965) Recent research on swarm control. Bee World 46(2): 41-44 [BRA; publications; research]

048a    (1965) Contribution to Session I (Bee biology) of [XX International Beekeeping] Congress. Typed copy 3 pp. Bee Research Association

049*    (1966) Bee research directory (ed.). London: BRA

050    (1966) XX International Beekeeping Congress, Bucharest, 26th-31st August 1965. Bee World 47(1): 26-36 

051    (1966) Canadian bee journey. Bee World 47: 55-65, 132-148 [beekeepers; bumble bees; Canada; colonies; forage; honey; Megachile; package bees; pollination; research]

051a* (1966) Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Pollination (ed.), London, July 1964 [with A. Åkerberg, 1st editor]. London: BRA 

052    (1967) The Bee Research Association. Am. Bee J. 107(11): 408-409 

053    (1967) An excursion into prehistory. Bee World 48(1): 36-37 [Andaman Islands; honey collection;  mammals]

054*    (1967) Letter from Australia. Bee World 48(3): 86-87 [missing]

054a    (1967) Bibliography on honeybees other than Apis mellifera. Bee World 48(1): 8-15, 18 [Apis cerana; dorsata; florea; Asia]

055    (1968) Report on the visit to Australia. Apic. W. Aust. 2(9): 115-125 [avilable from: http://researchlibrary.agric.wa.gov.au/j_article/1/]

056*    (1968) The Australian honey industry research and production management report (abridged). Australas. Beekpr 70(1): 10-14 [missing]

057    (1968) XXI International Apicultural Congress, University of Maryland, U.S.A., 11th to 17th August 1967. Bee World 49(1): 19-30 

058    (1968) Mites infesting honeybees in Asia. Bee World 49(3): 113-114 114 [Aceosejus; Neocypholaelaps; Tarsonemus; Tropilaelaps; Varroa]

058a*   (1968) EASI: English alphabetical subject index to Universal Decimal Classification numbers used by the Bee Research Association in Apicultural Abstracts and in Library subject indexes [author = Bee Research Association]. London: Bee Research Association

058b*   (1968) World list of current beekeeping journals and other serial publications received by the BRA Library [author = Bee Research Association]. London: Bee Research Association

059    (1969) Bee research: retrospect and prospect. Proc. 22 Int. Apic. Congr., Munich: 341-344; also Bee World 50(3): 100-103, 110

059a    (1969) Theses and dissertations in the B.R.A Library. Bee World 50(3): 105-110. 

060     (1969)  XXII International Apicultural Congress, Munich, 1st to 7th August 1969. BW 50(4): 129-140.

061    (1970) Drone honeybees. Bibl. Bee Res. Ass. No. 11 

062*    (1971) Dictionary of beekeeping terms. Vol. 4: English-Danish-Norwegian-Swedish (ed.). London: BRA

063    (1971) Zwanzig Jahre Bienenliteratur - ein Versuch der Dokumentation. Lecture at meeting of German Bee Research Institutes, Kirchhain, Germany [marked typescript (see ECTD-063a for English version) documentation; BRA; indexes; publications] 

063a    (1971) A twenty-year experiment in documentation on bees [typescript (English version of ECTD-063) documentation; BRA; indexes; publications]

064    (1971) Where bee research is published: a journal analysis for 1961-1970. Bee World 52(1): 27-32 

065    (1971) Frameless movable-comb hives in beekeeping development programmes. Bee World 52(1): 33-37 [Africa; bee space; combs]

065a*   (1971) The journals yielding most papers for "Apicultural Abstracts": 200-300 journal titles based on an analysis for 1961-1970 [author = Bee Research Association]. London: Bee Research Association

065b*   (1971) EASI 2: English alphabetical subject index to Universal Decimal Classification numbers used by the Bee Research Association in Apicultural Abstracts and in Library subject indexes, 2nd ed. [author = Bee Research Association]. London: Bee Research Association

066*    (1972) Pollination of seed crops. A summary of research reported in Apicultural Abstracts 1959-1971 (ed.). London: Bee Research Association

067    (1972) Bees in the pollination of seed crops. J. R. Agric. Soc. England 133: 119-135  [breeding; bumble bees; honeybees; Medicago; rearing; wild bees]

068    (1972) 23 International Apicultural Congress, Moscow, U.S.S.R., 27th August to 2nd September 1971. Bee World 53(1): 28-37 

069    (1972) Bumble bee honeys and others. Bee World 53(1): 38-39 

069a    (1972) Bumble Bee Distribution Maps Scheme: the first maps. Bee World 53(2): 69-72

070    (1972) Honey crop forecasting in the Middle Ages. Bee World 53(2): 79-83 83 [calendars; crops; England; hives; 14th century]

070a* (1973) World list of films on bees and beekeeping [author = Bee Research Association]. London: Bee Research Association

071    (1973) Honey sources of some tropical and subtropical countries. Bee World 54(4): 177-186 [bee forage; honey; plants; Africa; Asia; South America]

072*    (1974) Bee Research Association 1949-1974: A history of the first 25 years. London: Bee Research Association; including:

073*    (1974) Apicultural Abstracts [with J.H. Stevenson]. Ch. 7, pp. 78-83

074     (1974) The BRA Library. Ch. 10, pp. 90-102; also Reprint M78

075*    (1974) The future of the Bee Research Association [with G.F. Townsend]. Ch 13, pp. 126-130 

076    (1974) It started with honey hunting: a century of British bee-keeping. Country Life 156(4018): 46-47

076a    (1974) Honey harvests, past and present. Country Life August 1,

077    (1974) Plants that buzz with bees. Amateur Gardening 91(4674): 29-30  [bee forage; gardens; plants; UK]

078    (1974) The Bee Research Association [in French]. Lecture at Bormes-Les-Mimosas, France, 18 February [typescript; see ECTD-078b for English version]

078a    (1974) The honeybee. Entomology Leaflet No. 6 [leaflet for British Museum (Natural History) exhibition]; “Courtesy of The Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London”

078b    (1974) The Bee Research Association [typescript; English version of ECTD-078]

079    (1974) Beekeeping techniques: Queen rearing without dequeening. Bee World 55(3): 95-96 

079a*   (1974) Addenda to EASI2 [author = Bee Research Association]. London: Bee Research Association

080*    (1975) Honey: a comprehensive survey (ed.). London: William Heinemann in co-operation with Bee Research Association; including:  

081*    (1975) The flowers honey comes from. Ch. 1, pp. 3 - 76

082*    (1975) The world's honey production. Ch. 4 pp. 115 -153

083*    (1975) Honey from other bees. Ch. 17 pp. 411-425

084*    (1975) History of honey. Ch. 9, pp. 439-488

085*    (1975) Honey: a comprehensive survey. New York: Crane Russack

086    (1975) The world's beekeeping – past and present. Pp. 1-38 in The hive and the honey bee, ed. R.A. Grout. Hamilton, IL: Dadant & Sons [history; hives; honeybees] Part i Part ii.

087    (1975) Twenty-five years of the Bee Research Association. Proc. Int. Symp. Pollination, Prague, 1974: 28-30

088    (1975) Man's utilisation of natural resources through bees. Proc. 25 Int. apic. Congr., Grenoble: 137-146 [bee products; hives; honeybees; honey; honey hunting; rock art]

089    (1975) Die Entwicklung der modernen Bienenbeute. Lecture, Stuttgart, March [typescript: see also 089, 090]

089a    (1975)  Development of the modern hive [typescript; English translation of 089]

090    (1975) Die Entwicklung der modernen Bienenbeute. Allg. dtsch. Imkerztg 9(11): 302-305 [‘The development of the modern bee hive’ – see previous 2 entries] 

091    (1975) World beekeeping. Bee World 56(1): 9-16 [bee forage; colony numbers; honey consumption; honey yields]

092    (1975) What makes a good honey plant? Bee World 56(1): 32-34 

092a    (1975/76) Pollen and its harvesting. Bee World 56(4): 155-158; 57(1): 20-25

093*    (1976) Index to Apicultural Abstracts 1950-1972 [with G.F. Townsend] (Folkestone, UK: William Dawson for Bee Research Association) 

094*    (1976) Apiculture in tropical climates (ed.) (Proceedings of [1 International] Conference on Apiculture in Tropical Climates). London: IBRA

095    (1976) The range of human attitudes to bees. Bee World 57(1): 14-18 [bee beards; bumble bees; phobia; stings]

096    (1976) World list of current beekeeping journals known to the Bee Research Association. Bee World 57(1): 21-37

096a    (1976) Exports take one sixth of bees’ output. The Guardian (20 Sept.): 11 

097*    (1977) International Bee Research Association dictionary of beekeeping terms. Vol. 5: English-French-German-Russian-Spanish; with Latin index (ed.). Bucharest: Apimondia Publishing House in collaboration with IBRA

098    (1977) Beehives, bees and beekeepers. Proc. 26 Int. apic. Congr., Adelaide: 183-189 

099    (1977) Honey: past, present, and future. Am. Bee J. 117(3): 142-145 

100    (1977) Bees in drought. Bee World 58(3): 102-103 

101    (1977) The shape, construction and identification of traditional hives. Bee World 58(3): 119-127 

102    (1977) Dead bees under lime trees. Bee World 58(3): 129-130 [honeydew; nectar; pollen; Tilia; toxicity]

103*    (1978) International Bee Research Association dictionary of beekeeping terms. Vol. 6: English-Finnish-Hungarian; with Latin index (ed.). Bucharest: Apimondia Publishing House in collaboration with IBRA

104*    (1978) International Bee Resesarch Association dictionary of beekeeping terms. Vol. 7: English-German-Dutch-Danish-Norwegian-Swedish; with Latin index (ed.) (Bucharest: Apimondia Publishing House in collaboration with IBRA) 

105*    (1978) Bibliography of tropical apiculture. London: IBRA; 24 parts:

106*    (1978) Part 1. Beekeeping in North Africa and the Middle East 

107*    (1978) Part 2. Beekeeping in Africa south of the Sahara 

108*    (1978) Part 3. Beekeeping in the Indian sub-continent (with Afghanistan and Iran) 

109*    (1978) Part 4. Beekeeping in Asia east of India 

110*    (1978) Part 5. Beekeeping in northern Latin America (with Brazil) 

111*    (1978) Part 6. Beekeeping in southern Latin America 

112*    (1978) Part 7. Beekeeping in the Pacific area 

113*    (1978) Part 8. Apis mellifera of European and Asiatic origin in the tropics 

114*    (1978) Part 9. Apis mellifera native to Africa 

115*    (1978) Part 10. Apis mellifera hybrids known as Africanized bees, in America 

116*    (1978) Part 11. The Asiatic hive bee Apis cerana  

117*    (1978) Part 12. The giant honeybee Apis dorsata 

118*    (1978) Part 13. The little honeybee Apis florea 

119*    (1978) Part 14. Beekeeping in the tropics with stingless bees 

120*    (1978) Part 15. Bee forage in the tropics 

121*    (1978) Part 16. Beekeeping management and equipment in the tropics 

122*    (1978) Part 17. Indigenous materials, methods and knowledge relating to the exploitation of bees in the tropics 

123*    (1978) Part 18. Bee diseases, enemies and poisoning in the tropics 

124*    (1978) Part 19. Honey in the tropics 

125*    (1978) Part 20. Beeswax and other hive products in the tropics 

126*    (1978)  Part 21. Descriptions of pollen grains in tropical honeys 

127*    (1978) Part 22. Bees for pollination in the tropics 

128*    (1978) Part 24. Miscellaneous indexes, acknowledgements, etc. 

129*    (1978) Bibliography of tropical apiculture. Satellite bibliographies. London: IBRA; 14 parts: 

130*    (1978) No. S/25. Beekeeping and bee research in Egypt 

131*    (1978) No. S/26. Beekeeping and bee research in eastern Africa 

131*    (1978) No. S/27. Beekeeping and bee research in South Africa 

132*    (1978) No. S/28. Beekeeping and bee research in India 

133*    (1978) No. S/29. Beekeeping and bee research in Mexico 

134*    (1978) No. S/30. Beekeeping and bee research in Brazil 

135*    (1978) No. S/31. Beekeeping and bee research in Argentina 

136*    (1978) No. S/32. Apis cerana: laboratory studies 

137*    (1978) No. S/33. Biology of stingless bees (Meliponini) 

138*    (1978) No. S/34. Bee forage in specific regions of the tropics 

139*    (1978) No. S/35. Bee diseases and pests in specific regions of the tropics 

140*    (1978) No. S/36. Honeys of specific regions of the tropics 

141*    (1978) No. S/37. Descriptions of pollen grains of further tropical plants 

142*    (1978) No. S/38. Bee pollination in specific regions of the tropics 

143    (1978) Sugars poisonous to bees. Bee World 59(1): 37-38 [metabolism; sugars; Tilia; toxicity]

144    (1978) Places to visit: The British Museum's beeswax treasures. Bee World 59(1): 39-40

145    (1978) The Varroa mite. Bee World 59(4): 164-167 

146*    (1979) International Bee Research Association dictionary of beekeeping terms with allied scientific terms. Vol. 8: English-French-Italian-Spanish-Portuguese-Romanian: with Latin index (ed.). Bucharest: Apimondia Publishing House in collaboration with IBRA

147*    (1979) Mierea: un studiu cuprinzator (ed.). Bucharest: Editor a Apimondia [Romanian translation of entry 080]

148*    (1979) Bees and beekeeping in the tropics, and trade in honey and beeswax with special reference to the Commonwealth. Pp. 1-19 in Beekeeping in rural development: unexploited beekeeping potential in the tropics with particular reference to the Commonwealth. London: Commonwealth Secretariat

149    (1979) The linguistics of pollination research. Proc. 4 Int. Symp, Pollination, Maryland, 1978: 3-6 [languages; publications]

150    (1979) Directory of the world's beekeeping museums. Bee World 60(1): 9-23 (supplement, Sept. 1980)

151    (1979) Honey in relation to infant botulism. Bee World 60(4): 152-154 

151a*   (1979) British bee books: a bibliography 1500-1976 [one of 4 collaborators; author = IBRA]. London: IBRA 

152*    (1980) A book of honey. Oxford: Oxford University Press

153    (1980) Apiculture. Ch. 10, pp. 261-294 in Perspectives in world agriculture. Farnham Royal, UK: Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux  [abstracts; agriculture; Apis species; BRA; breeding; hive products; honeybees; management; Megachile; Nomia; package bees; poisoning; pollination; rearing; Varroa; winter]

154    (1980) Strategies for increasing honey production in the tropics and subtropics. Proc. 27 Int. Apic. Congr., Athens, 1979: 168-172 

155    (1980) The scope of tropical apiculture. BW 61(1): 19-28 [summarizes contents of publications 105*-142* above, covering topics including: Apis species; bee forage; bee products; bibliographies; diseases; IBRA; Meliponini; publications; tropics]

156    (1980) An African honeybee from 1778. Bee World 61(1): 39-40 

157    (1980) Conference on tropical apiculture. Bee World 61(3): 108-117 [beekeeping; India; research]

158    (1980) New concepts in comb honey. Bee World 61(4): 129-130 

159    (1980) Effects of a volcanic eruption. Bee World 61(4): 153-154 [behaviour; honeybees]

159a*   (1980) EASI 4: English alphabetical subject index to Universal Decimal Classification numbers used by the Bee Research Association in Apicultural Abstracts and in Library subject indexes, 4th ed. [author = IBRA]. London: International Bee Research Association

159b*   (1980) World list of current beekeeping journals known to the International Bee Research Association [author = IBRA]. London: IBRA 

159c*   (1980) List of serial publications, 2nd ed. London: IBRA

160    (1981) When important honey plants are invasive weeds. Bee World 62(1): 28-30 [Australia; bee forage; New Zealand; North America]

161    (1981) Bee houses. Bee World 62(2) 43-45 

162    (1981) Wild gardens for bees. Bee World 62(4): 128-129 [bee forage; plants]

163*    (1982) Technical cooperation activities: beekeeping. A directory and guide [with W. Drescher, 1st author]. Eschborn, Germany: GTZ

164*    (1982) II miel e salute. Turin: Casa Editrice MEB [Italian translation of entry 152]

165    (1982) Die Entwicklung der Weltbienenzucht. Lecture, Internationaler Kölner Imkertag (100 Jahre); see also next entry.

165a    Die Entwicklung der Weltbienenzucht [The development of world beekeeping]. Centenary of Cologne Beekeepers’ Association, 17 April 1982. [Typescript of English version of previous entry. aid projects; Egypt; journals; history; hives; tropics]

166    (1982) The International Bee Research Association (IBRA). Paper read at Seminar held by International Development Research Centre in Quebec, Canada, October 1982 [typescript: abstracts; beekeeping; bibliographies; books; conferences; pictures; publications]

167    (1982) The work of the International Bee Research Association with special reference to the needs of developing countries. Paper read at seminar at World Bank, Washington, USA, October 1982 [typescript: beekeeping; bibliographies; books; conferences; IBRA; pictures; publications]

168    (1982) Britannia's skep. Bee World 63(1): 47-49 [banknotes; Britain]

169    (1982) Introduction of non-native bees to new areas. Bee World 63(1): 50-53 [Apis cerana; apis mellifera]

170    (1982) Learning about honey through fructose. Bee World 63(4): 174-177 [granulation; heat; hygroscopicity; sweetness]

170a*   (1982) Directory of institutions in developing countries known to be concerned with apiculture [author = IBRA]. London: IBRA

170b*   (1982) Directory of suppliers of beekeeping equipment world-wide [author = IBRA]. London: IBRA

171*    (1983) The archaeology of beekeeping. London: Duckworth

172*    (1983) The archaeology of beekeeping. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press 

173*    (1983) The impact of pest management on bees and pollination [with P. Walker]. London: Tropical Development and Research Institute (hardback and paperback editions)

174*    (1983) O libro do mel (ed.). Sao Paulo, Brazil: Livraria Nobel S.A. (and reprinted 1987) [Portuguese translation of entry 80]

175    (1983) A lifetime's recollections of Kenya tribal beekeeping [J. Nightingale, interviewd by Eva Crane]. London: IBRA [Africa; Apis mellifera; forage; history; hives; honey beer; honey collection; Meliponini; propolis; queen; pesticides; smoke; stingless bees]

176    (1983) Global apiculture: a new outlook. Outlook on Agriculture 12(3): 135-141 [beekeeping; breeding; diseases; honey; honeybees; management; package bees; pollination; tropics] “Copyright IP Publishing Ltd. Reproduced by permission”; see: www.ippublishing.com

176a*   (1983) EASI 5: English Alphabetical subject index to UDC numbers used by IBRA in Apicultural Abstracts, 5th ed. [author = IBRA]. London: IBRA

177    (1983) Beelines for development. Int. agric. Dev. 3(3): 9-11 

178    (1983) Training in beekeeping. Proc. 2 Int. Conf. Apic trop. Climates, New Delhi, 1980: 32-33

179    (1983) The special value of good information services to tropical countries. Proc. 2 Int. Conf. Apic. trop. Climates, New Delhi, 1980: 60-72 [abstracts; bibliographies; conferences; IBRA; libraries]

180    (1983) Surveying the world's honey plants. Ilford, UK: Central Association of Bee-Keepers [bee forage; honey; plants]

181    (1983) Directory of important world honey sources. Bee World 64(1): 8-9 

182    (1983) An 800-km flight limit for bees? Bee World 64(3): 139-141 [honeybees]

183    (1983) Honey and infant botulism: second report. Bee World 64(4): 148-149 [Clostridium]

184    (1983) Magnetism and bees. Bee World 64(4): 174-175 

185*    (1984) Directory of important world honey sources [with P. Walker & R. Day]. London: IBRA

186*    (1984) Pollination directory for world crops [with P. Walker]. London: IBRA

187    (1984) Honeybees. Ch. 65, pp. 403-415 in Evolution of domesticated animals, ed. I.L. Mason. London: Longman Group. [Apis; beekeeping; biology; breeding; distribution; history; hives; honey hunting; honey production; Meliponini]

188    (1984) The impact of pest management on bees and pollination. Proc. 5 Int. Symp. Pollination, Versailles, 1983: 27-30 [crops; honeybees; pesticides]

189    (1984) Bibliographical tools for apiculture. Bibliography, International Bee Research Association No. 20 [abstracts; beekeeping; bibliographies; dictionaries; IBRA; journals; publications]

190    (1984) The world's honey sources. Paper to colloquium, Mechelen, Belgium, 3 June [typescript]

191    (1984) Bees, honey and pollen as indicators of metals in the environment. Bee World 65(1): 47-49 [bee forage; contamination; pollution]

192    (1984) Places to visit: Japan. Bee World 65(3): 138-141 [beekeeping; forage; honeybees]

193    (1984) Living with Varroa in Japan. Bee World 65(4): 149-150 

194    (1984) Composition of honeys from some important honey sources [with P. Walker]. Bee World 65(4): 167-174 [honey plants; sugars; water]

195    (1984/5) Evidence on Welsh beekeeping in the past [with P. Walker]. Folk Life 23: 21-48;[bee boles; beekeeping; history; hives; honey hunting; shelters; swarms; Wales] available online at:  Taylor and Francis : doi.org/10.1179/flk.1984.23.1.21

196    (1985/6) Further evidence of Welsh beekeeping in the past [Letter, with P. Walker]. Folk Life 24: 121-123;[bee boles; bee house; Wales]; available online at: http://www.maneyonline.com/doi/abs/10.1179/flk.1985.24.1.121

197*    (1985) World perspectives in apiculture. London: IBRA

198*    (1985) International Bee Research Association dictionary of beekeeping terms with allied scientific terms. Vol. 9: English-French-Japanese, with Latin index (ed.). Tokyo: Institute of Honeybee Science, Tamagawa University, in collaboration with IBRA

199*    (1985) El libro de la miel (ed.). Mexico, DF: Fondo de Cultura Economica [Spanish translation of entry 152]

200*    (1985) Honung (ed.). Stockholm: Natur och Kultur [Swedish translation of entry 152]

201    (1985) Beekeeping. Ch. 12, pp. 213-230 in Tools for agriculture: a buyer's guide to appropriate equipment (3rd Edn). London: Intermediate Technology Publications. Part 1    Part 2    [beekeeping; equipment suppliers; hives; honeybees; honey trade]

202    (1985) Some nectar characteristics of certain important world honey sources [with P. Walker]. Pszczel. Zesz. nauk. 29: 29-45 [bee forage; plants; sugars]

203    (1985) Bees and honey in the exploitation of arid land resources. Ch. 13, pp. 163-175 in Plants for arid lands, ed. G.E. Wickens, J.R. Goodwin, D.V. Field. London: George Allen & Unwin [bee forage; drought; honey yields; plants; tropics]

204    (1985) Tropical apiculture and the need for a global strategy. Typescript of Proc. 3 Int. Conf. Apic. trop. Climates, Nairobi, 1984: 27-32 [beekeeping; hives; pollination; tropics]

205    (1985) Some multipurpose trees that are important honey sources in the tropics and subtropics. Proc. 3 Int. Conf. Apic. trop. Climates, Nairobi, 1984: 192-197 

206    (1985) [World apiculture and honey production]. Honeybee Science 6(1): 1-6 [in Japanese, with typed English translation. beekeeping; history; honeybees; honey yields]

207    (1985) [World pattern of apicultural research]. Honeybee Science 6(3): 202-204 [in Japanese, with typed English translation: beekeeping; history; honeybees; Japan; research]

208    (1985) Selective annotated bibliography of the Varroa mite and its control in honeybee colonies. Bibliography, International Bee Research Association No. 37 

209    (1985) The world pattern of apicultural research. J. Sci. Res. 10(2): 179-184 [beekeeping; honeybees; Thailand]

210    (1985) Foreword: Other beekeeping annuals. Beekeeper's Annual: 4-5

211    (1985) Bee hives of the Ancient World [with A.J. Graham] Part 1.   Part 2.   Bee World 66: 23-41, 148-170  [history; pictures; rock art]

212    (1985) Important honeydew sources and their honeys [with P. Walker]. BW 66(3): 105-112 [Hemiptera; honey; insects; plants; sugars; trees]

212a    (1985) Ancient apiculture. Written for Encyclopedia of geoarchaeology [typescript without figures and table; publication of book delayed until 2015 or later and article will not be included: Apis species; beekeeping; bee products; bee shelters; fossil bees; history; hives; honeybees; honey hunting; Meliponini]

    (1986) Honey sources satellites. London: IBRA; 6 parts [bee forage; bibliographies; drought; honey; 
     honeydew; plants; salt]

    213  1. Bibliography [with P. Walker & J. Fish] 

    214  2. Plants listed alphabetically and by family; common name index; pollen grain information [with P. Walker & R. Day] 

    215  3. Chemical composition of some honeys [with P. Walker] 

    216  4. Physical properties, flavour and aroma of some honeys [with P. Walker] 

    217  5. Honeydew sources and their honeys [with P. Walker] 

    218  6. Drought-tolerant and salt-tolerant honey sources [with P. Walker] 

219    [number not used]

220    (1986) Rock paintings related to honey hunting. BW 67(1): 23-25 

221*    (1987) Beekeeping: some tools for agriculture. A guide to appropriate equipment. London: Intermediate Publications [reprint of entry 201]

222    (1987) Constituents of propolis [with P. Walker, 1st author]. Apidologie 18(4): 327-334 

223*    (1988) International Bee Research Association dictionary of beekeeping terms, with allied scientific terms. Vol. 10: English-French-Arabic, with Latin index (ed.). London: IBRA

224    (1988) Africanized bees, and mites parasitic on bees, in relation to world beekeeping. Pp. 1-9 in Africanized honey bees and bee mites, ed. G.R. Needham, R.E. Page, H. Delfinado-Baker & C.E.J. Bowman. Chichester: Ellis Horwood Ltd

225    (1989) The integration of the tropics into world beekeeping. Proc. 4 Int. Conf. Apic. trop. Climates, Cairo, 1988: 6-12 

226    (1989) The origination of Apis cerana beekeeping and its determining factors. Proc. 4 Int. Conf. Apic. Trop. Climates, Cairo, 1988: 425-537 

227    (1989) Early honey production in St Kitts and Nevis. Nevis Historical and Conservation Society Newsletter 15 (March): 4-7 [beekeeping; honeybees]

228    (1989) Owen Thomas, a Denbighshire beekeeper and skepmaker in the eighteenth century [with W. Linnard, 1st author]. Denbighshire Hist. Soc. Trans.: 5-17. [beekeeping; history; hives; skeps; swarms; Wales]

229    (1989) The plant resources of honeybees. Proc. 32 Int. Congr. Apic.: 373-384  [agriculture; colony; forage; honey; migratory beekeeping; nectar; plants]

230*    (1990) Bees and beekeeping: science, practice and world resources. Oxford: Heinemann Newnes

231*    (1990) Bees and beekeeping: science, practice and world resources. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press

232*    (1990) Beemaster of the present: update since 1983. Beekprs Ann.: 97-101 [no copy found]

233    (1991) Apis species of tropical Asia as pollinators, and some rearing methods for them. Acta Hort. 288 (Proc. 6 Int. Symp. Pollination): 29-48 

234    (1991) Honey from honeybees and other insects. Ethol. Ecol. Evolution, Special Issue 1: 101-105 [paper presented at 3o Covegno AISASP, Ferrara, Italy, 13-15 Apr. 1989] 

235    (1991) Products from bees. Ethol. Ecol. & Evolution. Special Issue 1: 163 

236    (1991) The plant resources of honeybees. Apiacta 26: 57-64, 89-96 (Proc. 32 Int. apic. Congr., Rio de Janeiro); plus typescript with errors marked [forage; honey; nectar]

237    (1991) Welcome to Bumble Bee Newsletter [typescript, 2 pp.; published in Bumblebee Quest 1(1)]

    (1991) Unpublished lectures given at Örebrö, Sweden, April 1991 [typescripts: Apidae; Formicidae; honeydew; nectar; sugars; Vespidae]

        237a   Honey from honeybees and other insects 

        237aa Honey from different insects

        237b   Honey getting in the past and present. 

238    (1991) Bee shelters and bee boles in Cumbria [with P. Walker, 1st author]. Trans. Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian Archaeol. Soc. 91: 237-262 [beekeeping; history; hives; skeps]

239    (1992) Passato e presente dell'apicoltura con le specie di api melipone. L'Ape nostra Amica 14(2): 20-22, 25-27 [‘Past and present beekeeping with species of meliponine bees’ (see entry 244): biology; Central America; hives; history; Meliponini; nests]] 

240    (1992) Bibliography on Asian honeybees 1979-1991 [with P. Walker]. Abstracts of papers and bibliography on Asian honey bees 1979-1991: 141-203 [proof copy; published in Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Asian honey bees and bee mites, pp. 645-680; full details in entry 259]

241*    (1992) The plant resources of honeybees. Proc. 32 Int. Congr. Apic.: 373-384 [1989, pub. 1992]

242    (1992) Traditional bee management: definitions and some examples in the tropics and subtropics. Pp.13-24 in Traditional beekeeping in the tropics, ed. J. Kraal et al. Bennekom, Netherlands: NECTAR [Apis species; Asia; hives]

243    (1992) The world's beekeeping - past and present. Ch. 1, pp. 1-22 in The hive and the honey bee, ed. J.M. Graham, rev. ed. [cf. entry 058] Hamilton, IL: Dadant & Sons [Africa; America; Asia; Australasia; Europe; history; hives; honeybee races; honey yields; Melipona; trade]

244    (1992) The past and present status of beekeeping with stingless bees. Bee World 73(1): 29-42  [biology; Central America; hives; history; Meliponini; nests; plants]

245    (1992) Eva Crane answers. Beekeeping and Development (24): 7 

246*    (1992) Honig: Begriffsbestimmung, Zusammensetzung und Eigenschaften. Translated by P. Fruhworth from pp. 388-413 of Ch. 13 in Bees and beekeeping: science, practice and world resources (1990; entry 230)

247    (1992) Guest Editorial: Asian honeybees. Bee World 72(1): 3-4 

248    (1992) Beekeeping in mountain life-support systems. Pp. 17-27 in Honeybees in mountain agriculture, ed. L.R. Verma. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. [Apis species; climate; hives; mountains; plants; toxic honeys; tropics]

249    (1993) Traditional management system for Apis dorsata in submerged forests in southern Vietnam and central Kalimantan [with Vu Van Luyen, V. Mulder, Tran Gong Ta]. Bee World 74(1): 27-40 

250    (1993) Traditional management of Apis cerana using movable-comb hives in Vietnam [with Vu Van Luyen, V. Mulder, Tran Gong Ta]. Bee World 74(2): 75-85 

251    (1993) [Traditional management of Apis cerana using movable-comb hives in Vietnam]. Honeybee Science 14(4): 157-164 [Japanese translation of previous entry]

252    (1993) The importance of honey to early man. National Honey Show Schedule 62: 19-23 [history; honey hunting; rock art]

253    (1993) History of the International Bee Research Association. Eastern Apicultural Society Short Course, University of Maine [typescript, list of publications, 3 pp.] 

254    (1993) Getting honey before movable-frame beekeeping. Eastern Apicultural Society Short Course, University of Maine [typescript, 3 pp.]

255    (1993) Experiences with exotic introductions of bee species. Eastern Apicultural Society Short Course, University of Maine [typescript, 2 pp.: Bombus; history; Meliponini]

256*    (1993) International Bee Research Association Dictionary of beekeeping terms Vol. 11: English-Hindi-Chinese; with Latin index. Kathmandu, Nepal: ICIMOD [E. Crane General Editor, but not cited as such] 

257    (1993) Arthur Dobbs (1689-1765) and pollination by bees. BW 74(4): 221-222 

258    (1993) Current status of research on Asian honey bees. Pp. 19-41 in Asian apiculture. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Asian honey bees and bee mites  [Chaing Mai, 1989], ed. L.J. Connor et al. Cheshire, CT, USA: Wicwas Press. [Apis species; bee products; colony; diseases; distribution; mites; pollination; research]

259*    (1993) Bibliography on Asian honey bees 1979-1991 [with P. Walker]. Section IX, pp. 645-680 in Asian apiculture, ed. L.J. Connor et al. Cheshire, CT, USA: Wicwas Press [entry 240 is same text, but also has author index]

260    (1994) Beekeeping in the world of Ancient Rome. BW 75(3): 118-134 [apiaries; books; history; hives; management]

261    (1994) The importance of stingless bees to man in the past. Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Apic. in trop. Climates [1992]: 259-264 [Australia; Central America; history; hives; Meliponini; South America]

262    (1995) History of beekeeping with Apis cerana in Asia [lecture given at 1988 meeting]. Pp. 1-16 in The Asiatic hive bee …, ed. P.G. Kevan. Cambridge, Ont.: Enviroquest Ltd. [distribution; hives]

263    (1995) Removing water from honey [lecture given at 1988 meeting]. Pp. 233-243 in The Asiatic hive bee …, ed. P.G. Kevan. Cambridge, Ont.: Enviroquest Ltd 

264    (1995) Beekeeping in the Islamic World. Ahlan Wasahlan: 34-38 [Egypt; history; hives]

264a    (1995) Dr Anna Maurizio: an appreciation from IBRA. Bee World 76(2): 98-99 [obituary]

265*    (1995) Con ong va nghe nuoi ong co so khoa hoc, thuc tien va nhung nguon tai nguyen the gioi; partial Vietnamese translation by Iran Gong Ta, Phung Huu Chinh, Vu Van Luyen of Bees and beekeeping: science, practice and world resources (1990; entry 230). Hanoi: Beekeeping Research and Development Centre [440 pages]

266    (1996) The removal of water from honey. Bee World 77(3): 120-129 

267    (1996) Obituary: Brother Adam Kehrle. Bee World 77(4): 216

268    (1996) Niches à abeilles en Grande-Bretagne et Irlande. Pp. 4-10 in L’apiculture archaique (Breil-sur-Roya, France: Les Editions du Cabri) [bee boles; beekeeping; Britain; history; hives; Ireland; skeps]

269    (1997) Beekeeping with Apis florea in the Indus basin and some other areas. Bee World 78(2): 62-66 [Pakistan]

270    (1997) Look at it this way. Outlook on Agriculture 26(1): 3-5 [hives; history; honeybees; pollination; queen; research] “Copyright IP Publishing Ltd. Reproduced by permission”; see: www.ippublishing.com

271    (1997) The past and present importance of bee products to man. Pp. 1-13 in Bee products: properties, applications, and apitherapy, ed. A. Mizrahi & Y. Lensky. Tel Aviv? [Apis species; beeswax; brood; history; honey; honeybees; Meliponini; pollen; propolis; royal jelly; venom]

272    (1997) Introduction to outstanding problems with tropical honeys not present with temperate-zone honeys. Pp. 19-33 in Perspectives for honey production in the Tropics. Netherlands: NECTAR [composition; water removal]

273     (1997) Harvesting sweet materials from plants without the aid of honey-storing insects. Bee World 78(3): 108-114 [honeydew; manna; nectar; sap]

273a*   (1997) Bees, mankind and the environment. Pp. 283-307 in Tropical bees and the environment, Proceedings of International Conference, Kedah, Malaysia, 1995 [printed with many errors, and 5x3 cm transparencies reproduced at that size; corrections marked]

274    (1998) A historical project operated, by voluntary workers. Bee World 79(1): 38-40 [bee boles]

275    (1998) Wall hives and wall beekeeping. Bee World 79(1): 11-22 [Apis cerana; Apis mellifera]

276    (1998) The International Bee Research Association: 50th Anniversary. Bee World 79(4): 187-193 [history; IBRA; publications]

277    (1998) The rock art of honey hunters. Abstract, p. 99 in Congresso Internacional de Arte Rupestre: Programe Oficial [see also entry 281]

278    (1998) Des ruches et parties de ruches decouvertes dans des fouilles depuis 1970. Pp. 136-145 in Bâtir pour les abeilles; L’architecture vernaculaire en apiculture traditionelle, Actes des Rencontres de Saint-Faust, 14, 15 et 16 novembre 1998 [for English text, see next entry]  [hives; history]

278a    Hives and hive parts excavated since 1970 [typescript, English text of previous entry]

279    (1998) Irish beekeeping in the past [with P. Walker, first author]. Ulster Folklife 44: 45-59 [see also entry 305: bee boles; beeswax; Christianity; history; hives; honey; skeps] 

279a    (1998) Amerindian honey hunting and hive beekeeping. Acta Americana 6(1): 5-18 [Central America; hives; honeybees; Meliponini; South America]

280*    (1999) The world history of beekeeping and honey hunting. London: Duckworth; New York: Routledge

281    (1999) The rock art of honey hunters. Zimbabwean Prehistory (23): 45-49 modified from entry 277]; also (not scanned) photocopy with corrections

282    (1999) Early English beekeeping: the evidence from local records up to the end of the Norman period [with P. Walker]. Local Historian 29(3): 130-151 [see also entry 285] ] [bee products; beeswax;  Domesday Book; hives; history; honey; skeps]

283    (1999) Recent research on the world history of beekeeping. Bee World 80(4): 174-186 [apiaries; Apis species; hives; manuscripts]

284    (1999) A survey of English beekeeping in 1086. Bee Craft 82(12): 359-360 [Domesday Book; honey]

285    (2000) L’apiculture en Angleterre pendant la période Normande [with P. Walker]. Le Viquet, No. 127, 114-116) [French version of entry 282] [bee products; beeswax;  Domesday Book; hives; history; honey; skeps]

286    (2000) The history of beekeeping in English gardens  Part 1  /  Part 2   [with P. Walker, 1st author]. Garden History, 28(2), 231-261 [apiaries; bee boles; bee forage; bee houses; bee shelters; England; hives; plants]

287    (2000) Wall recesses for bee hives [with P. Walker]. Antiquity, 74: 805-811 [bee boles; Britain; France; Ireland]

288    (2000) Beekeeping as a sustainable practice: past, present and future. New Zealand Beekeeper, 7(8): 9-12; reprinted in Eva Crane Bee Scientist 1912–2007. Cardiff: IBRA, pp. 43-51

289    (2000) Prevention and treatment of diseases and pests of honey bees: the world picture. New Zealand Beekeeper, 7(10): 5-8 [also corrected photocopy, not scanned]

289a    (2000) The development of hive beekeeping in the Mediterranean region during Antiquity. Pp. 441-443 in: Greece, Conference [The honey bee and its products. Workshop, Nikiti, 12-15 September 1996] 

289b*  (2000) The world’s beekeeping, past and present [lecture presented at meeting at Lithuania Institute of Agriculture (Akademija), August, 2000; unpublished and no typescript, but amended in 2004 – see entry 305a]

289c    (2000) The International Bee Research Association [typescript of lecture presented at meeting at Lithuania Institute of Agriculture (Akademija), August, 2000]

289d    (2000) The transmission of beekeeping round the Ancient Mediterranean [typescript; lecture presented at a symposium on "Beekeeping in the Graeco-Roman world" held in Oxford on 7 November 2000; reprinted in Eva Crane Bee Scientist 1912–2007. Cardiff: IBRA, pp. 31-42 [PDF scan is from the book]    

290    (2001) English beekeeping from c. 1200 to 1850: evidence from local records [with P. Walker, 1st author]. The Local Historian, 31(1): 3-30 [beeswax; hives; honey; honeybees; prices; skeps; wills]

291    (2001) Man's relationship with honey-storing bees. Teddington, UK: Central Association of Bee-Keepers [Apis species; history; hives; honey hunting; Meliponini; nests]

292*    (2001) The rock art of honey hunters. Cardiff: IBRA 

293    (2001) Amerindian uses of honey, wax and brood from nests of stingless bees. Acta Americana 9(1): 5-15 [Central America; honey drinks; lost-wax casting; Meliponini; South America]

294    (2001) Winter bee houses. Yorkshire Buildings (29): 4

295    (2001) Winter bee houses and cellars [with P. Walker]. Local History Magazine (86): 10-13; see also 297

296    (2001) Traditional beekeeping in Asia: some known and unknown aspects of its history. Pp. 3-8 in Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Tropical Bees; Management and diversity  [& Fifth Asian Apicultural Association Conference, 19-25 March 2000]. Cardiff: IBRA [Apis species; hives; history; honey collection; management; Meliponini; nests]

297*    (2002) Winter bee houses and cellars [with P. Walker]. Beekeepers Quarterly, No. 68, 12-14; same as entry 295

298    (2002) Beeswax in the Ancient World and later. National Honey Show Schedule: 19-21 

298a    (2002) Obituary: Dr Toge Johansson. BW 77(4): 216 [history; uses]

299    (2003) The use of bees and their products in warfare. Bee World, 84 (2): 94-97 [history; hives] 

300*    (2003) [Entries for:] Apis species; beekeeping; bee products; beeswax; honey; royal jelly. In Encyclopedia of insects, ed. V.H. Resh & R.T. Cardé. San Diego, CA, USA: Academic Press

301*    (2003) Making a bee-line. My journeys in sixty countries, 1949-2000. Cardiff: IBRA

301a*   (2003) International Bee Research Association Dictionary of beekeeping terms Vol. 12: English-Croatian-Albanian-Slovenian-Serbian-Macedonian. Bucharest: Apimondia, in collaboration with IBRA 

301b    (2003) Honey and beekeeping in English literature. Unpublished typescript

302*    (2004) Stone structures used in France for protecting traditional hives [with P. Walker, 1st author]. Journal of Cultural Heritage 5: 245-255. [apiaries; bee boles; Britain; hive enclosures; hives; history; skeps]; for published article (doi:10.1016/j.culher.2004.03.003), see: http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1296207404000548. For typescript of this article see 302a.

302a    (2004) Stone structures used in France for protecting traditional hives [with P. Walker, 1st author] [typescript and figures; final version published in Journal of Cultural Heritage 5: 245-255 (2004). See 302.

303    (2004) A short history of knowledge about honey bees (Apis) up to 1800. BW 85 (1): 6-11 [bee behaviour; bee products; Egypt; gender; Greece; observation hives; pollination; Rome]

304    (2004) Japanese translation of Making a bee-line [entry 301a], Ch. 16]. Honeybee Science 25(1): 25-34

305*    (2004) Irish beekeeping in the past [with P. Walker, first author]. Beekeepers Quarterly, No. 78: 7-21; same as entry 279 but with errors

305a    (2004) The development of the world’s hive beekeeping [typescript, without figures, based on entry 289b]

305b* (2004) Terms in Indo-European languages for concepts related to honey, bees and hives. Unpublished typescript. Published (2009) at: http://www.celt.dias.ie/publications/online/beearticle/

306    (2005) The rock art of honey hunters. Bee World 86(1): 11-13

307    (2005) Early beekeeping in Ireland. Bee World 86(2): 49

308    (2005) Some effects of latitude on honey bee colonies. Bee World 86(3): 54-55

309*    (2005) The development of the movable-frame hive. Chalfonts Beekeepers Newsletter (Nov.): 1-2

309a    Typescript of 309: (2005) The development of the movable-frame hive. Chalfonts Beekeepers Newsletter (Nov.): 1-2 (website: http://www.chalfontsbeekeepers.co.uk/)

310    (2006) Beekeeping and gardens [with P. Walker, first author] [typescript only; final version published in Oxford companion to the garden, ed. Patrick Taylor. Oxford: OUP] 

311    (2006) The history of protective clothing for beekeepers [with R. Jones]. Buzz Extra (3): 1-3

312    (2006) The beginning of beekeeping in Siberia. J. Apic. Res. 45 (1): 51-52