New Year, new Trustee!

Posted on January 22, 2025

It’s the start of a new year and the Eva Crane Trust is delighted to welcome a new member to its Board.

Matthew has been a keen amateur beekeeper from the age of 12, keeping bees variously in Hampshire, Yorkshire, London and Bath. 

He is a barrister at Pump Court Chamber, specialising in criminal defence and appeals, including wrongful convictions and miscarriages of justice.  He had the good fortune to share chambers with the late David Smith QC the apiarian author, antiquary and bibliographer. David was also a close friend of Eva Crane and one of the first trustees of the Eva Crane Trust.

Matthew is a well-known legal blogger and journalist. As well as running the award-winning legal blog, Matthew writes on legal issues for national newspapers and websites. He also contributes to professional journals including Counsel, Criminal Law and Justice, the Criminal Bar Quarterly and Scottish Legal News. He regularly broadcasts on BBC and independent national and local radio and is in demand as a speaker on legal affairs.

We look forward to working with Matthew and appreciate his commitment and enthusiasm to the Eva Crane Trust. 

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