Chairman's New Year Message, 2021

Chairman's New Year Message, 2021

Eva Crane Trust Chairman Richard JonesJanuary is the month named after Janus who was the Roman god of gates and entrances. He is always shown as having a face on the front and another on the back of his head. This vigilant watchman could look forward to the future and back to the past which is something we all do at the turn of the year.

Looking back, 2020 was a miserable year for most people in almost every country of the world. Beekeeping continued but bee science was subject to layers of local, national and international restrictions. Conferences and meetings were cancelled as we locked down to protect ourselves, others and our health services from the most pernicious of viruses. Never-the-less even with these strictures some projects have started, others continued, and some have come to fruition. One project which was completed in 2020 was, for me, a major highlight in the year - the publication, edited by Professor Ignazio Floris, of Italian Apiculture – A journey Through history and honey diversity. A beautifully produced and erudite tome dedicated to our Founder Dr Eva Crane. My copy shares a bookshelf in my home with Dr Crane’s classic masterpieces.

The Eva Crane Trust continued its work receiving a total of 57 applications in a year. Not bad considering we only took applications at three instead of four meetings. A moratorium being necessary to review the international situation. Ten projects have been awarded a total of just under £110,000 in funding since Jan 2020. In the past 5 years (2015 to 2019 inclusive) the Trust has distributed grants totalling £546,457 and is currently supporting 19 projects that are ongoing/just started in 8 different countries. The Trust has its first meeting (a video linked meeting, of course) in January and will have approximately 20 applications to consider. The quality and number of applications that are now being received continues to rise and this has to be good news as well as being a good indicator of the work that is being done around the world.

To beekeepers, bee scientists and all who follow our work via this web site and social media I wish you a safe and happier New Year. Keep up the good science and the spread of tried and tested beneficial information to protect and promote bees. The Trust will continue to try and help as many of you as possible in this work.

Richard Jones,

Chairman of the Eva Crane Trust.
January 2021.